Monday, November 1, 2010
Long Beach Comic Con Recap.

Thursday, October 21, 2010
UPDATE Oct. 26th, 2010

The first being that the Long Beach Comic Con is just around the corner. Only Three Days Left! If you haven't purchased your tickets yet, do so now. And if you have, come see us in Artist Alley Table Numbers 1505-1506. We'll be joined by our friends, Jules Rivera of Marsh Rocket, Mike Colbert of Tales of the Supernatural, and Corissa Baker who will be our personal body guard and the resident booth-badass.
Last, but not least, more great art samples from Volume 2 to show off. Check em out in this fully updated slide show.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Amazon UK almost out of Titanium Rain.
Monday, September 27, 2010
Titanium Rain Reviewed on Waiting for the Trade Podcast

Tuesday, September 21, 2010
New Preview Art for Titanium Rain Vol. 2

Monday, September 20, 2010
News for October 2010

In other news, be sure to like us on Facebook and check out both Josh Finney and Kat Rocha's Deviant Art Galleries. Josh routinely updates his with sample art from the upcoming Titanium Rain Vol. 2.
That's all for now. Keep a look out for more information about Long Beach Comic Con soon.
Sneak Preview of Titanium Rain Volume 2
Friday, August 13, 2010
Graphic Policy interviews Josh Finney
Friday, July 30, 2010
Did Taiwan ally with the Sino Union or was there a hostile takeover? Given the storied history between the two (even with warmer relations now), why would Taiwan want to help the beaten "Communist State?"
As China became more westernized it's relations with Taiwan improved vastly. Eventually the two nations negotiated a "separated but united" pact which was patterned after the relationship the United States has with Puerto Rico. And since the Sino Union was originally an economic alliance of Asian nations, naturally Taiwan remained a part of it when it was quickly converted into a military alliance. At this point Taiwan isn't so much concerned about what will become of the ousted PRC, but rather fears what a Jade ruled China will mean for them. Kao-Shen is an ultra-nationalist who see himself as a great conqueror. A Jade ruled China would inevitably lead to an invasion of Taiwan.
In Titanium Rain vol 2 will we be seeing another "Embedded" segment? And more of the undercover agent?
YES! Both "Project Duplicity" and "Embedded" will continue in Vol. 2, along with a new story about a gunrunner operating in Tibet. Also, the journalist character in "Embedded" will appear in the main story of Titanium Rain vol. 2. In the first part of the book he arrives at Mamoru Airbase to embed with Phoenix Squadron. Why? Well, let's just say he's got deeper motives for being there.
Both you and Kat do a fantastic job on the art. Who does what part of the art?
Hmmm...this could quickly become a VERY long answer. But for now the easy explanation is that Kat does all the "traditional" art --the pencils, crosshatching, flatting. I do all the digital stuff --the digital painting, most of the backgrounds, all the 3D design. I also do all of the graphic design for the book.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
I just finished the book and I need more! When will the rest of the story be told? I need to be able to tell my retailer when to order it?
Vol. 2 should be in stores early 2011. BUT if you'd like previews for what is to come, you can check out the facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/pages/Titanium-Rain-comic-book/107831152591470 or Josh's Deviant Art page http://josh-finney.deviantart.com/gallery/#Sci-Fi
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
UPDATED signing schedule for San Diego Comic Con

Wednesday 5:30pm - 7:30pm at Table 1
Thursday 9:00am - 11:00am at Table 4
Friday 1:00pm - 2:00pm at Table 4
2:00pm - 3:00pm at the Featured Table
Saturday 4:30pm - 6:00pm at Table 4
Sunday 3:30pm - 5:00pm at the Featured Table
And don't forget to catch us at the Archaia All Access Panel on Friday in Room 9 from 6:30 - 7:30pm.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
San Diego Comic Con 2010 Signing Schedual for Titanium Rain
Wednesday 5:30pm - 7:30pm at the Featured Table
Thursday 9:00am - 11:00am at Table 4
Friday 10:30am - Noon at Table 4
Saturday 4:30pm - 6:00pm at Table 4
Sunday 3:30pm - 5:00pm at Table 1
And don't forget to catch us at the Archaia All Access Panel on Friday in Room 9 from 6:30 - 7:30pm.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
San Diego Comic Con News and Schedule

Graphic Policy gives Titanium Rain a 9.75
Friday, July 2, 2010
Geeky Talky Interview

Wednesday, June 30, 2010
How do you feel about the criticisms against photo ref artists and what do you think sets your work apart from that?
Frankly, I find the biast against photo reference in comic art to be overplayed. Dave McKean uses photos, Alex Ross uses photos, so does JH Williams...and they are all widely respected artists in the field. It's really not a big deal to anyone except a handful of angry purists.
As for my own work, I consider myself a storyteller above all. The style in Titanium Rain is a means to an end in that sense. Wheather people consider it "real" art or not isn't what matters. For me it's all about conveying the story I want to tell.
Alec Killian and Happy are modeled after you two, huh?
We use a lot of photo reference in our work. With a story as epic as Titanium Rain we needed models who would be available at all times. So yeah, Kat and I are in the book....as are many friends and family.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Friday, June 4, 2010
What are pan-immunity genes?
This is explained somewhat in the "Embedded" short story that appears in the Titanium Rain Hardcover. But the short answer is that in the world of Titanium Rain the Pan-Immunity gene was one of the first "custom genes" that could be purchased and given to children in the womb. It beefs up a person's immune system to the level that they rarely get sick.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Cammy's Comic Corner names Titanium Rain Book of the Month for June.
Escape from Tomorrow Review and Signing News

"The quantity and quality of additional material in Titanium Rain, on the other hand, is such that I feel I've been doing a disservice by referring to it simply as 'bonus material' - what we have here is a back story, an origin, extended reading ... recruitment posters, periodical extracts, weapons specs, short - and not so short - stories ... beautifully illustrated throughout."

Friday, May 21, 2010
What's Russia think of the Chinesse civil war. I'd imagine that their pretty pissed about it. Why aren't they fighting but the USA is?
Excellent question. Russia's involvement in the war (or lack there of), is a major plot point in Book Three. For now, here's how much I will reveal. Russia is NOT happy about the war in China, and did consider taking action early on. But the Jades took hold of China so rapidly that it became clear to Russia that they may have to accept the Jades as their new neighbor. For now Russia is officially neutral, but that may change....very, very soon. Also, consequently, the Russian arms industry has been selling hardware to both the Sino Union, the Jades, and India (who is part of the Allies).
Exploring the Multiverse's Review of Titanium Rain.

Thursday, May 20, 2010
More Formspring Answers
How has the feedback been on the TitaniumN Rain Hard Cover?
The feedback on Titanium Rain has been awesome. The reviews on Amazon.com so far have been all five stars and we’ve been getting letters from all over the world saying how much people loved this book.
What, politically and economically, motivated you to write that the U.S. would enter a direct conflict with China?
Politically or economically? I'm not sure what you mean by this. Economically, I suppose, I could say I do want the story to sell and make money. But politically? I believe I'm saying more about the human condition rather than commenting on any one government or nation. Above all else, though, my motivation is to write a damn good story. My aim is no less than penning a sci-fi classic that is smart, compelling, and worth your time. If it makes you think, good...but I'm not drafting a manifesto here. For a long time now many of the themes in Titanium Rain were burning in my brain and I needed to get them out...deeper ideas that go beyond politics. War, atheism, evolution, man's relationship to technology -- these things came first in the story process. The idea of setting a war in China came much later.
Since the Air Force has the F35X Hellcat, do the Marines or the Army have their own super special versions of the JSF?
Well, remaining strictly in the realm of reality, the F-35 Lightening was developed specifically to be a one-size fits all plane of the various branches of the military. Multiple variants of this jet currently exist. The F-35C, which is capable of vertical take-off and landing, is used by the US Marine Corps. In the Titanium Rain setting this concept has been taken further and countless variants of the F-35 exist. Many of these fictional F-35 variants can be seen in the back material of the Titanium Rain hardcover.
Oh...one other thing. Just like in reality, the US Army in Titanium Rain doesn't use F-35s.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Are we going to see other offspring of the Phoenix program, like cyber-enhanced Infiltrator Goats. Strange Cyber Goats?
Look, you guys start sending me stuff like this and I'm liable to make weird references to it in Book 2. Book 1 has already got a ton of MST3k and b-movie references hidden away in it. You've been warned.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
How has the feedback been on the TitaniumN Rain Hard Cover?
The feedback on Titanium Rain has been awesome. The reviews on Amazon.com so far have been all five stars and we’ve been getting letters from all over the world saying how much people loved this book.
What, politically and economically, motivated you to write that the U.S. would enter a direct conflict with China?
Politically or economically? I'm not sure what you mean by this. Economically, I suppose, I could say I do want the story to sell and make money. But politically? I believe I'm saying more about the human condition rather than commenting on any one government or nation. Above all else, though, my motivation is to write a damn good story. My aim is no less than penning a sci-fi classic that is smart, compelling, and worth your time. If it makes you think, good...but I'm not drafting a manifesto here. For a long time now many of the themes in Titanium Rain were burning in my brain and I needed to get them out...deeper ideas that go beyond politics. War, atheism, evolution, man's relationship to technology -- these things came first in the story process. The idea of setting a war in China came much later.
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Since the Air Force has the F35X Hellcat, do the Marines or the Army have their own super special versions of the JSF?
Well, remaining strictly in the realm of reality, the F-35 Lightening was developed specifically to be a one-size fits all plane of the various branches of the military. Multiple variants of this jet currently exist. The F-35C, which is capable of vertical take-off and landing, is used by the US Marine Corps. In the Titanium Rain setting this concept has been taken further and countless variants of the F-35 exist. Many of these fictional F-35 variants can be seen in the back material of the Titanium Rain hardcover.
Oh...one other thing. Just like in reality, the US Army in Titanium Rain doesn't use F-35s.
Where did you hide the dead hooker Josh?
C'mon. Why do people keep asking me this?! You'd think I did something wrong...I'm a nice guy. People like me. I think.
How about a short story about the revenge of the monkeys used to test Phoenix enhancements? Super-intelligent, vengeful hairless cyber monkeys? That steal mech suits and wreak vengeance? Just a thought.
Funny you should ask. Archaia Entertainment has been looking to beef up their child-friendly titles and I proposed a story concept similar to this...except the monkeys go berserk and end up devouring the cast from Fraggle Rock. I even wanted David Petersen of Mouse Guard to illustrate it, but by the time this came up in conversation everyone in the room was convinced I'd had a few too many.
How about a short story about the revenge of the monkeys used to test Phoenix enhancements? Super-intelligent, vengeful hairless cyber monkeys? That steal mech suits and wreak vengeance? Just a thought.
Funny you should ask. Archaia Entertainment has been looking to beef up there child-friendly titles and I proposed a story concept similar to this...except the monkeys go berserk and end up devouring the cast from Fraggle Rock. I even wanted David Petersen of Mouse Guard to illustrate it, but by the time this came up in conversation everyone in the room was convinced I'd had a few too many
Forumspring Questions Answered.
Ask your question about Titanium Rain at - http://www.formspring.me/TitaniumRain
I know as creators you want to keep moving forward, but I have to ask: will you ever return to the Utopiates? Or if you're not planning to do so, have you ever considered opening the idea to other creators, like David Petersen is doing with Mouseguard?
I've always intended to return to Utopiates when the time is right. A lot of it depend on the publisher, though, Bloodfire Studios. As for inviting other creators to contribute to the Utopiates setting, ABSOLUTELY. From day one I wanted Utopiates to be an "open" univerve in which other could play in. I even proposed to Bloodfire the idea of a "Utopiates: Urban Legends" book which would allow for exactly this.
5 minutes ago
Question: when will the next book be out?
Damn...with all the delays on the first book (thank's to our censor happy pals in China) I'm sort of paranoid at this point about making any promises.
2 hours ago
In the TR world, how well accepted are American born Asians in the U.S.? Are they at all, or are there internment camps like they did with Japanese in America during WWII? by Wookiee71
Nope. No internment camps. For all our troules, the America of 2030 has moved past this sort of thing. Are there hate crimes? Sure. They will always be stupid people who do this sort of thing, but widespread state instituded racism against Asians? No.
2 hours ago
Assuming it was up to you, which would you rather see, a Titanium Rain movie or TV (mini?) series? Also is it true that the book is "banned" in China? (I think I heard that rumor but can't find a weblink.
As far as seeing Titanium Rain translated into a film or TV mini-series, I'm open to either. That said, I'm not writing this story in the hopes that some day it'll be told in another medium. As an author and artist, sequential story telling is the medium I've chosen to work in. A graphic novel is EXACTLY how I want readers to experience Titanium Rain. The story is written to take full advantage of the medium's strengths, and really couldn't be told any other way without losing some of the magic
That said, if anyone was to make Titanium Rain in to a film, my dream would be for it to be animated by Production IG and directed by Mamoru Oshii.
2 hours ago
We have placed a TR order @ local Borders; next plan to do same at local Barnes & Noble. Any other suggestions?
Amazon.com, InstockTrades.com, and your local comic book stores. All these places are great for ordering. And Instock Trades and Amazon both have it at a discount.
4 days ago
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Titanium Rain Vol.1 HC Now In Stores!

So please, go to your local retailer, pick up your own copy today, and tell us what you think. :)
Updated Signing and Convention schedule to come soon.
convention schedual as of 4/21/10
San Diego Comic Con
New York Comic Con
Long Beach Comic Con
When real-world politics clash with four-color fiction.
PR: China tries to censor Archaia's TITANIUM RAIN.
Los Angeles, CA (April 21, 2010) – In an instance of real-world
politics affecting the comic industry, ARCHAIA ENTERTAINMENT's latest
graphic novel series, TITANIUM RAIN, had been severely delay when
Chinese printing companies refused to print the book. TITANIUM RAIN,
which portrays a civil war in near-future China, was repeatedly
rejected by Chinese printers, citing "politically sensitive content"
deemed offensive by the PRC.
“What I find very telling about the whole situation is at no point
does our book criticize the current Chinese government or any of its
policies," say author/co-artist Josh Finney. "The scenario I wrote is
patterned after the Boxer Rebellion, and is meant to be a statement
against ultra-nationalism and ethnic cleansing. In fact, it is
ultra-nationalists in the Chinese military who attempt to overthrow
the government in TITANIUM RAIN.”
Until now, Archaia Entertainment printed most of its books through

China, an arrangement the publisher has had to reconsider. Clearly
China's cheap manufacturing costs do come at a hidden price.
Controversy over TITANIUM RAIN's publication may have stemmed from a
sequence of pages in the book which show events leading up to a
Chinese civil war. A sneak preview of those pages is available here:
Written and illustrated by the husband-and-wife team of Josh Finney
(Batman, Star Trek: Enterprise) and Kat Rocha (Batman), Titanium Rain
Vol. 1 (full color, 152 pages, 6.625” x 10.25” hardcover with dust
jacket, $19.95, ISBN 1-932386-72-6) collects the first four chapters
of the series. The story is set in the year 2031 and told from the
point of view of US Air Force pilot Alec Killian, who is forced to
shed some of his humanity in exchange for biotech and machine when a
civil war in China spirals into a global conflict.
Despite the numerous production delays TITANIUM RAIN VOL. 1 shipped to
comic stores nationwide this Wednesday, and will be in bookstores the
following week.
More information about author Josh Finney and his reasons for pening
TITANIUM RAIN can be found here:
About Archaia
Founded in 2002, Archaia has built an unparalleled reputation for
producing meaningful content that perpetually transforms minds. With a
slate including the popular Eisner Award-winning title Mouse Guard, as
well as Awakening, Gunnerkrigg Court, The Killer, Robotika, Killing
Pickman, Artesia and the Publisher’s latest additions of Titanium
Rain, God Machine, Roddenberry Productions’ Days Missing, The Jim
Henson Company library and Mr. Murder Is Dead and Lucid with Zachary
Quinto’s production company, Before the Door Pictures, Archaia has
become synonymous with quality content. For more information on
Archaia or any Archaia titles please visit www.Archaia.com. Archaia
can also be found on Facebook (www.facebook.com/archaiacomics),
MySpace (www.myspace.com/archaiacomics) and Twitter
# # #
Friday, April 9, 2010
WonderCon 2010
It was a good con this year. We sold out of Titanium Rain issue 1 and talked to a lot of interesting people. As well, we were interviewed by Cammy from Cammy's Comic Corner.
Hung out a lot with Chandra Free of the God Machine and Patrick McEvoy of Starkweather Immortal. Ate Sushi and Dim Sum and late night pizza. :) I think we'll definitely be back for next year.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Supershow 2010
First, Titanium Rain news:
For those of you who have preordered Titanium Rain, or those of you who are waiting for the hardcover to come out I am happy to dispel your fears and say that Titanium Rain vol. 1 is NOT CANCELED. It's just been delayed. Not due to publishers or distribution or any of the normal reasons you hear about, but due to a foreign government. Yes, seriously. Often in comics, companies will send their graphic novels to China to be printed because it's cheaper there. And so, our publisher did as well because that is where they send all of their books. Unfortunately the Chinese don't like our book and attempted to sensor it. Printer by printer they were denied, told that the book was offencive and, in one instance, "pornographic". Basically, the book has been banned in China. BUT, with that said, S. Korea has agreed to print it and the other two as well. With any luck, it will be at your LCS in the next month or so.

Super Show 2010 in Reading, PA was AWESOME. We just got back last nigh and have to say that the guys from Comic Geek Speak put on an amazing convention and we can't wait to go back next year for more. I wore the pink dress as promised all day on Sat. and at the after party as well. At the show there were artists like J.K Woodward, Mike Norton, Danielle Corsetto, and many more. The 501st Storm Trooper Legion was there too, posing with the kids and "keeping the peace".
You can find out more about the show at http://www.comicgeekspeak.com/.
In two days, Josh and I will leave for Wondercon in San Francisco. If you are going to be there, come see us at the Archaia Booth #813.
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Titanium Rain HC News and Supershow
Our Top Story Today
Titanium Rain Delayed due to Chinese Objection to Content:
For those of you who may not know, Titanium Rain follows a squadron of American fighter pilots and their roll during a civil war in China. The Americans (and other countries) have sided with the Sino Union against an ultra nationalist faction known as the Jades. Set in an alternate 2032, Titanium Rain has been compared to Ghost in the Shell: SAC, the new Battle Star Galactica, and Generation Kill. You can find out more on the official website at TitaniumRain.net
Well, I have some bitter-sweet news for fans of Titanium Rain. The release of Vol. 1 Hard Cover has sadly been pushed back. The cause – well, in short, China doesn’t like our book. Seriously. It was sent to three different printers in mainland China and all of them refused to print it due to content. We’re pretty sure it has something to do with the news flashes in Ch.4 and the views on ultra-nationalism. But, our publisher found a printer in Hong Kong and I will have a release schedule for you very soon.
Keep a look out for the official press release coming soon.
And don't forget to preorder the book through Amazon.com at just a little over $13.
In Other News:
Josh and Kat Will be attending the Comic Geek Speak Super Show Convention Comic Geek Speak Super Show Convention this March.
In Related News:
The Pretty in Pink Fundraiser was a success! Kat and the CGSSScrew hosted a fundraiser for Hero’s Initiative. The deal was, if $500 was raised by convention time in March, Kat would go to the convention in a pretty pink dress. Thanks to everybody who helped donate.